
I’ve been living in Charleston for just around three weeks now, and yesterday I found myself calling it home. I don’t know what changed – maybe it’s the fact that I can finally find my way around the city and give directions to random people on the street with confidence. Or maybe it’s the fact that I’ve found family in my sorority, in my classes, in YoungLife. Or maybe it’s both of those things, combined. Obviously, Atlanta will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s where I was born and raised, it’s why I can tolerate rap music, and it’s why I always look for peaches at the Farmer’s Market in Marion Square on Saturdays. But Charleston, this coastal city with cobblestone streets, Charleston has my heart and soul. I walk down the streets to my classes in utter amazement at the fact that this is where I live! I get to call this city my home.

Now that I feel comfortable and adjusted and have figured out my schedule (well, kinda…my life is hectic okay), hopefully I’ll be able to blog more! I so badly want to share pictures of this city – its buildings, history, fashion and food – with y’all! I also want to share pictures of my dorm room, but it’s not done yet. If anyone knows of a really amazing grey futon that pull out into a twin-sized bed, please leave a comment below! I’m begging you.

I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend, and I will hopefully be back soon!

Much love,


Twitter: @exploringchuck

Instagram: @exploringchuck

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